Porto Rico 1660 kHz listened in Rio de Janeiro

During a mini dxpedition in Rocco Cotroneo’s rural shack in Marica, we could enjoy DX on medium wave and tropical band.

Thanks for Radio Inconfidencia 880 kHz off for maintenance, we could listen to Venezuela, and most amazing, to Porto Rico in the x-band.

Using the same set of super loop antennas we could check for the performance of both Perseus and Kenwood R5000 with Inrad filters for best selectivity.

Rocco’s propriety is really nice, a very large area with native wood and two sources of water and an natural lake.

It could not be better for resting, enjoying nature and make DX with zero noise.

More to come!

About admin

Engenheiro Eletrônico, trabalha na área de TI e Telecomunicações e é aficcionado por tecnologia, e a prática da radioescuta
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