1548 kHz Voice of Russia, Grigoriopol, Moldova

The last day of 2010, I have caught Radio Voice of Russia, from Grigoripol, Moldava, in medium wave, frequency of 1.548 kHz.

I used a receiver Sony ICF-2010 coupled magnetically with a square loop of 80 centimeters lenght, coil using Litz wire.

Good signal, long QSB, but very legible.

Thanks for Matthias, from Germany, who has helped me to identify the station.

The announcers speak Russian, so you most likely received Voice of Russia from Grigoriopol, Moldova. Nice catch anyway. A happy new year to you and your family. Matthias, Germany

QTH: Maricá, Rio de Janeiro

10.600 KM distance: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to Grigoripol, Moldova

Moldova - Voice of Russia  1548 kHz


Moldova - Voice of Russia  1548 kHz

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Engenheiro Eletrônico, trabalha na área de TI e Telecomunicações e é aficcionado por tecnologia, e a prática da radioescuta
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