IRIB – Radio Voice of Republic of Iran, transmitting from Tehran in english to Europe, listened in Rio de Janeiro

The IRIB – Voice of Republic of Iran, Tehran, has been listened in Rio de Janeiro, in the frequency of 6205 kHz, transmitting in English to Europe and North America.

This band of 49 meters is aimed specifically to Europe, and could be listened the last two weekends.

First time the emission was listened with a Sony ICF-SW77 receiver and the second time, with a Kenwood R5000, both receivers using the same dipole antenna.

IRIB Radio Voice of Republic of Iran,  6205
IRIB Radio Voice of Republic of Iran, Tehran, 6205 kHz, ID on 2029 UTC

IRIB Radio Voice of Republic of Iran Broadcast
Shortwave radio sked of IRIB

About admin

Engenheiro Eletrônico, trabalha na área de TI e Telecomunicações e é aficcionado por tecnologia, e a prática da radioescuta
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