Relatório de escutas enviado por Artem Prokhorov, de Moscou, Rússia.
O rádio utilizado nestas captações foi um Icom R75 e uma antena longwire de 20 metros.
March, 21 – 2010
5045 Rádio Cultura Ondas Tropicais (Brazil) 0340-0400 bossas nonstop, ID: “Música é Cultura”, mentioned Amazonas 44 4/3 44
4885 Rádio Clube do Pará (Brazil) 0405 Music 34433
4905 Rádio Anhanguera (Brazil) 0408 Music (Ace of base?), deep fadings 3/4 4333
4915 Rádio Difusora AM via RD Macapá (Brazil) 0400-0410 Musiс, jingle ” Rádio Difusora AM” 44334 (Thanks to Sarmento Campos, Brazil for ID)
4870 La Voz del Upano? (Ecuador), 0425 just a trace of the station
4960 VOA (Saõ Tomé e Príncipe) 0428 Commentary on the opinion of US governement 44344
6175 VOV (Vietnam) 0445 YL in Vietnamese, interview 44334
6140 RHC (Cuba) 0450 OM in Spanish, program about Cuban salsa 55555
March, 27 – 2010
5040 RHC (Cuba) 0240-0320 New frequency? YL in Spanish mentioned Cuba, Venezuela, 0300 IS, usual Cuban full ID: “Esta es Radio Habana Cuba transmitiendo desde Cuba, el primer territorio libre de America…” 34433
5025 Radio Rebelde (Cuba) 0302-0400 News? Something about “La mesa redonda” de ayer”, yesterday’s main informative program of Cuban TV, music, later recording of the speach mentioned were memorial places of the Cuban revolution like Moncada, Playa Girón etc 34333
3240 TWR (Swaziland) 0305-0350 Songs in local language, 55455
3255 BBC (South Africa) 0307 News? 34433
3200 TWR (Swaziland) 0310 YL final announcements, IS, signing off 33333
4810 Radio Armenia 1330-1505 1330-1345 in Kurdish?, 1345 IS, then in Azeri? These languages mentioned according Aoki 24232
1430: I returned to the frequency, clear YL ID in Persian “Sedaye Armenistan”, mail address in Yerevan, email, schedule 44344
1500: back to the Kurdish? (language according Aoki), anthem, ID: “Yerevan”, OM reading news (Pakistan mentioned), slight QRM from AIR-Mumbay on the same frequency 43344
1539 VOA (UAE) 2215 Urdu service, Indian style music, YL mentioned “VOA Radio”, phone-in 44454
March, 28 – 2010
5810 EWTN (USA) 0305 Religious program in Spanish 34444
5755 WTWW (USA) 0306 Religious program in English 44444
5045 Rádio Cultura Ondas Tropicais (Brazil) 0315 Música brasileira, jingle ID: “Rádio Cultura” between the songs 34344 (better in LSB)
4915 Rádio Difusora Macapá? (Brazil) 0320 Modern music, jingle ID “Rádio Difusora” in between 33333
4840 WWCR (USA) 0330 Religious program in English 34333 (better in USB)
5935 WWCR (USA) 0335 Religious program in English, not in parallel with 4840 34322
5950 Voice of the Tigray Revolution (Ethiopia) 0340 Typical music from African Horn, YL in Tigray? 34333 (better in LSB)
6030 Radio Martí (USA) 0345-0500* Musical IDs every half an hour, music by Arturo Sandovál and Bob Marley, story about Chinese artist in New York, “primavera negra” (black Spring) 45454
4870 AIR-Shillong? (India) 1610-1630*, Indian music, 1615 ID mentioned “AIR” in UNID local language and some English, then news (Pakistan, “Taliban” mentioned) in UNID local language 44334
5010 RTV Malagasy (Madagaskar) 2215-0015 nonstop African traditional dance music, two short OM DJ-like announcements in Malgash? during all these two hours 45544, 2345-0015 worse, absolutely blocked by AIR-Thiruvananthapuram which signed on at 0015 UTC with a huge signal here in Moscow
March, 29 – 2010
5755 WTWW (USA) 0040 Country-like music, short announcements 34333
4795 UNID 0105 too weak to ID, 100% not an LA station, Kyrghyzstan?
6030 Radio Martí (USA) 0145-0230 Clear ID at 0200 55555
March, 31 – 2010
5005 Radio Nacional Batá 2115-2150 OM/YL in Spanish 33333 much worse to 2150
April, 01 – 2010
5915 Radio Eritrea (via The Netherlands?) 0315 Typical African Horn music, 0328 Reggae then full ID mentioning mail adress in The Netherlands, email, internet-address in Tigrigna 54555 From where?
April, 03 – 2010
5800 Premier League Radio (via Ukraine) 1240 Discussion about Premier League, clear ID “Premier League Radio” at 1245, email at 1251 55455
4775 Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan (Iraq?) 1520 YL in Kurdish? and Persian? (languages according Aoki) 24322
5010 AIR-Kolkata (India) 1715-1740, traditional Indian music with announcements in English, break for AIR News at 1730-1735, then back to the traditional music 44344
4895 Zimbabwe Community Radio (South Africa?) 1820-1855 in English, clear ID around 1830, went off the air without any announcements just with the end of the song 33323
4976 UBC (Uganda) 2110-2330 DJing in English and local languages, phone-ins, mentions of local FM outlets in Uganda and neighbour counntries, a lot of YL shot-IDs UBC-Radio 55455 it was blocked by PBS-Xinjiang on 4980 at 2330 while UBC was audible even under PBS
5005 RN Batá (Guinea Ecuatorial)? 2120-2200* OM in local language, not Spanish 34333
5010 RTV Malagasy (Madagaskar)? 2130 Music show 33223
3905 UNID (Pirate) 2135-2150 Music, short announcements, ID at 2143 as “… Radio”, too weak to catch the ID, better in LSB, Skyline?
4980 PBS-Xinjiang (China) *2330 IS, ID as “Xinjiang radiostantsi”, huge signal 55555 almost blocked UBC on 4976
April, 04 – 2010
4976 UBC (Uganda) 0350 Music show 34333
4885 Rádio Clube do Pará (Brazil)? 0355-0405 Music, short announcements, no ID on the top of the hour 44333