Nesta época de mínimo solar, quando poucas ou nenhumas manchas solares ocorrem, a propagação nas altas frequências tende a piorar, causando problemas no alcance do sinal, distorcendo o áudio, apresentando condições de recepção bastante desfavorável nesta faixa de frequências, normalmente entre 6 Mhz e 30 Mhz.
Porém, nas frequências mais baixas, em Ondas Tropicais – nas frequências entre 2,3 MHz e 6 MHz – aproximadamente, a propagação tende a ser melhor, pois as camadas baixas da ionosfera por não serem tão ionizadas pelo Sol, permitem que os sinais se propaguem em grandes distâncias.
Os logs abaixos foram coletados por Adalberto Marques de Azevedo de Barbacena, Minas Gerais, e postados na lista de discussão do Yahoo – – de forma a mostrar ao grupo o que anda se captando nesta faixa de frequências, como forma de auxiliar a pesquisa e identificação das emissoras captadas.
As fontes são as mais variadas, e incluem captações em diversos países, não só no Brasil.
Tsamouras, one of the station DJ’s in an e-mail QSL this date. They plan to gradually increase power to 1 KW as various technical issues are worked out. Thanks to Don Jensen, John Wright (Australian DXer) and ARDXC for supplying the original “on-the-air” heads-up (Don) back on Nov 12 and details on power increase and testing (John/ARDXC). Retuned at 1710 this date from GT site in Woodridge (Brisbane metro area) and R Symban was a bit weaker w/ more static but still nearly armchair lvl.(Bruce W. Churchill – Via Cumbre DX)
2850 NORTH KOREA. KCBS, 1257, 11/30/09. Operatic-style vocals by female. Weak, but in the clear. Time pips to TOH were 1 second late. TOH announcements followed by OM & YL exchanging statements with an emphatic tone. Faded fast after 1300 (Strawman-=IA). – Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, Drake R8B, Wellbrook 330S 1.1M Loop, Wellbrook ALA-100 Rectangular 85′ Loop (Via Cumbre DX)
3185 0655 03/12 R. WWRB Manchester TN USA E NAm Px. c/ loc m. e f. 14442. elc Eduardo L. Castaldelli – Mairiporã- SP- Brasil – rx Tecsum S2000 – Antena Loop NB-9G (Via lista Radioescutas)
3215 0657 03/12 R. WWCR1 Nashiville TN USA E NAm. Px c/ loc. m. e f. 14442. elc Eduardo L. Castaldelli – Mairiporã- SP- Brasil – rx Tecsum S2000 – Antena Loop NB-9G (Via lista Radioescutas)
Bolivia, 3309.95, Radio Mosoj Chaski, 1010-1020, Not much of a signal here, but at tune in heard a male commenting in Spanish untol 1013 when music presented. Signal is very weak. (Chuck Bolland, December 6, 2009)
3320, 01/12 21050 2117, Coréia, Pyongyang BS, transmissão em Coreano, com 50 kW, desde Pyonyang, na Coréia- 22322 –AMA. – Adalberto Marques de Azevedo – Barbacena – MG – Brasil – (Via lista Radio escutas)
** HONDURAS. 3339.99, LV de Misiones Internacionales, 1055-1105, Dec 5, Spanish religious music. Spanish ID announcements at 1057. Weak. Poor. (Alexander-PA) – Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA, USA Equipment: Icom IC-7600, two 100 foot longwires (Via Cumbre DX)
3365, BRAZIL, presumed R. Cultura Araraquara, 0043-0100, Dec 1, Portuguese. Lite pops & ballads; brief announcer at 0049; wiped out at ToH by big het via 3364; poor listening in ECCS-LSB. (Barbour-NH) Scott R. Barbour Jr. Intervale, N.H. USA – NRD-545, RX-350D, MLB1, 200′ Beverages, 60m dipole (Via HCDX)
3810 0700 03/12 ” possivel” R. HDZ10A Guayaquil EQA TS EQA. – somente portadora, sem aúdio. elc Eduardo L. Castaldelli – Mairiporã- SP- Brasil – rx Tecsum S2000 – Antena Loop NB-9G (Via lista Radioescutas)
3945, R. Vanuatu, Port Vila. November, 30. Vernacular, 0809-0820 male and predominating female talks. Weak, 24222 (lob-B). – Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec – Embu SP Brasil – Sony ICF SW40 – dipole 18m, 32m.(Via Cumbre DX)
4319U, DIEGO GARCIA, AFN, 0028-0038, Dec 1, English. End of sports talk prg; “Armed Forces Network” in passing; “Face the Nation” at 0031 w/ members of Senate Armed Forces Committee re Bin Laden & Taliban; fair at best. (Barbour-NH) Scott R. Barbour Jr. Intervale, N.H. USA – NRD-545, RX-350D, MLB1, 200′ Beverages, 60m dipole (Via HCDX)
4330 CHN Xinjiang PBS in Kazakh with discussions between OM and YLL . S9 best in LSB to avoid a strong CW signal – Zacharias Liangas – Grécia – Via Cumbre DX.
4500, China, PBS Xinjiang, Urumqui(tentative). December, 02 Mongolian(listed) 0232-0243 instrumental music, short male talks and pop music. 23222 (lob-B). – Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec – Embu SP Brasil – Sony ICF SW40 – dipole 18m, 32m.(Via Cumbre DX)
Peru, 4746.90, Radio Huanta Dos Mil, 1043-1100, In here with a female in Spanish language comments. Signal begins at a fair level, but some fading occurs as the minutes pass. Comments continue the entire period. (Chuck Bolland, December 6, 2009)
Indonesia, 4749.90, RRI Makassar, 1048-1105, With a male in Indonesian comments until 1053 when music is resented which continues off and on until and into the next hour. At 1102 some promos(?) followed with news from a female. The signal is getting weaker at 1103. (Chuck Bolland, December 6, 2009) (Chuck Bolland, December 6, 2009 via Watkins Johnson HF1000, Via HCDX)
4750, BANGLADESH, presumed Bangladesh Betar Shavar, 1109-1135, Nov 30, vernacular. M announcer w/ talk in unid. language; bit of vocal mx; various announcers until wind instrument bit & W ancr at BoH; joined by M ancr; poor; [Also] 1120-1142, Dec 1, vernacular. M & W ancrs w/ talk & Hindi-like mx selections; tentative jingle at BoH; poor; not //5030-CNR 1; GeoClock shows a nice greyline between New Hampshire & Bangladesh at this time. (Barbour-NH) Scott R. Barbour Jr. Intervale, N.H. USA – NRD-545, RX-350D, MLB1, 200′ Beverages, 60m dipole (Via HCDX)
AFRICA? 4820.76, at 1533, Dec 5 (Sat.). Is it possible that Botswana is here? Mostly man and woman in long conversation; 1603-1622 segment of indigenous string instrument, very repetitive and slow tempo. Best in USB to get away from Tibet, which caused moderate to heavy QRM. Certainly had the feel of an African station, but who? I last heard this on Nov 28 (UNID in DXLD 9-083), also a Saturday. Do they only broadcast on Saturday? Clearly not on the
air Dec 6 and do not recall hearing this on weekdays. Need help with this one! (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1)
Peru, 4835.40, Radio Maranon, 1104-1130 Noted a male and female in Spanish language news and comments. Signal was poor during the period. (Chuck Bolland, December 4, 2009 via HCDX)
05/12/2009 23.20 4.845 R. Mauritania Mx 45343 UG – Ulysses Galletti – Itatiba – SP – Brasil (Via lista Radioescutas)
INDIA[and non]. 4850, AIR Kohima. Sorry to report this hás been off the air on Dec 1 and 2. Had hoped that the Hornbill
Festival would have resulted in more SW activity, not less. – Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1 – (Via Cumbre DX)
INDIA. 4850, AIR Kohima, 1302-1401*, Dec 5. Surprised to find them on the air for two consecutive days. Segments in Hindi and English; local IDs; news about the Defense Minister Shri AK Antony visiting Kohima and the Hornbill Festival; the country has come under high alert on the eve of the anniversary of the Babri mosque demolition 17 years ago; at least 111 people killed when an explosion set ablaze a nightclub in Russia; weather; “This is All India Radio Kohima” and
then off the air.
05/12/2009 23.35 4.885 R. Clube Pará Om comentando futebol 35333 UG – Ulysses Galletti – Itatiba – SP – Brasil (Via lista Radioescutas)
4895, AIR Kurseong, 1311-1320, Dec 2. Happened to catch AIR IS (do not believe they were actually signing on); subcontinent music;in Hindi; mixing with assume Mongolia. – Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1 – (Via Cumbre DX)
4905 TIBET. PBS Xizang (Lhasa), 2353-2400, 12/4/2009, Tibetan. Woman talking. Slow Chinese pop music at 2355. Announcements by woman at 2400, then more talk. Moderate signal, the best on this frequency in some time, declining after 2400. Also noted on 4820 with somewhat weaker signal and similar program, although not in parallel. Checked listed parallels for both frequencies, but nothing heard. (Jim Evans, TN, RX-340, ALA100M) Jim Evans – Germantown, TN – EUA – RX-340, R8B, E1, ICF-SW7600G, Random Wires (90′ and 200′), ALA100M (Via Cumbre DX)
4927 uniDed 1456 with seemingly Hindi songs . Signal problems and bad modulation with levels from S2 to S5 – Zacharias Liangas – Grécia – Via Cumbre DX.
CHINA. 4940, Voice of Taiwan Strait, 1500-1530, Dec 6. “This is the Voice of Taiwan Strait”; another Sunday of “Focus on China”; this has become routine now; major item about a story I have been reading about regarding China’s newly launched international ad campaign to promote “Made in China” (Keith Perron will love this!); video; moderate AIR QRM (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1)
4950 AIR Shimla 1501 with news in English S7 – Zacharias Liangas – Grécia – Via Cumbre DX.
Peru, 4954.94, Radio Cultural Amauta,1110-1130, Noted a female in comments between musical selections. This format continued during the period. Signal was very weak and at times disappeared. (Chuck Bolland December 6, 2009) (Chuck Bolland, December 6, 2009 via Watkins Johnson HF1000, Via HCDX)
4970, AIR Shillong, 1453, Dec 5. “Live Wire” show started playing all Christmas music, “to get into the Christmas spirit” (“Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reindeer”; Nat King Cole singing “A Cradle In Bethlehem”, etc.); local IDs; 1511 “Please stand by for Delhi” (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1)
4990, AIR Itanagar, 1441-1447, Dec 2. Segment in English and Hindi; subcontinent music; 1450-1500 news in Hindi with highlights of President Obama’s speech, good modulation; 1500-1510 news in English, but with low modulation and China QRM; 1512 switched over to programming from Delhi and modulation back up. Some outstanding AIR reception today! – Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1 – (Via Cumbre DX)
5000 0734 03/12 WWVH Colorado USA Loc M. 14442. elc Eduardo L. Castaldelli – Mairiporã- SP- Brasil – rx Tecsum S2000 – Antena Loop NB-9G (Via lista Radioescutas)
5005, UNIDENTIFIED, 1140, Nov 30. Weak carrier w/ hints of audio at imagination level; very poor; possibly Nepal with nice greyline to New Hampshire? (Barbour-NH) Scott R. Barbour Jr. Intervale, N.H. USA – NRD-545, RX-350D, MLB1, 200′ Beverages, 60m dipole (Via HCDX)
** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 5005, Radio Nac, Bata, 2245-2302*, Dec 4, Euro-pop music. Spanish announcements. Sign off with long National Anthem at 2259. Poor in noisy conditions. (Alexander-PA) – Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA, USA Equipment: Icom IC-7600, two 100 foot longwires (Via Cumbre DX)
5025 0738 03/12 R. Rebelde Cuba S Can Px c/ loc m e f. mx de fundo, programa sobre saúde, falando para lavar as mãos antes de comer 14442. elc Eduardo L. Castaldelli – Mairiporã- SP- Brasil – rx Tecsum S2000 – Antena Loop NB-9G (Via lista Radioescutas)
China, 5030, China National Radio One, 1110-1130, Noted a male and female in Chinese language comments here. Helping to confirm this, noted a parallel broadcast on 6175 KHz. Both were at good level. (Chuck Bolland, December 4, 2009 Via HCDX)
China, 5030, China National Radio One, 1125-1135, With the usual format of Chinese comments and canned promos. On the halfhour, two quick time tones and ID. Noted a parallel signal on 6175 KHz which was poor. This frequency of 5030 was good. (Chuck Bolland, December 6, 2009 via Watkins Johnson HF1000, Via HCDX)